Partner with us, and earn more.

Are you a home care organization, occupational therapist, surgery centre, clinic, or other healthcare organization? 

Increase your revenue by referring your clients to us. Our Partner Program lets you earn money every time you connect your clients to us. We can provide new and used healthcare equipment for purchase and rent.

Your clients get the equipment they need, and you get paid. We will do the work to invoice them, deliver and maintain the equipment, and provide customer service.

Earn more money

Your existing customers need medical equipment, and you'll make money when you refer them to us.

Expand your offerings

Provide on-demand equipment rental/ purchase options for your customers, with no added cost.

Easy process

We handle booking and fulfilment with the client, all the way. All the work is completed on our end.

How it works

  1. Your clients need mobility equipment or medical equipment. This could be as a result of a medical diagnosis, surgery, therapy, transportation need, or more. Pretty much any reason!
  2. You can either quote them a price for the equipment (using the price list we provide to you), or have the client contact us directly/ refer the client 
  3. We will bill the client, provide customer service, deliver and pick up equipment, and manage the entire process of meeting the customers equipment needs
  4. You will receive a Referral Fee for every client that you send to us! This additional revenue stream will add directly to your business bottom line, meets your clients needs fully, and requires no additional work on your part.

Who do we partner with?

As a rule, we are looking to partner with organizations that assist and support people with short and medium term needs for medical equipment. By working together, our partners are able to make sure their customers get help with all their needs, without having to own and maintain equipment. We work with:

Home care orgs

Facilitate transport needs and requests more easily. Meet customer needs without having to own equipment.

Primary care orgs

Access a flexible fleet of healthcare equipment. Meet a wide range of equipment needs, on demand.

Surgery Centres

Connect your patients to reliable equipment, for better recovery. Increase post-intervention compliance. 

Long term care

Meet requirements for new patient move-ins and transfers. Limit your spend on equipment maintenance and repair.

Travel Agencies

Connect your travellers with reliable medical equipment rentals. Increase your bottom line without adding any cost.

Settlement Orgs

Connect your newcomer clients to affordable medical equipment. Broaden the range of services you can offer newcomers.

Video production

Health equipment rentals for any production needs. Create the ideal shot with realistic equipment.

Event rental

Make money without owning the inventory. Confidently add mobility equipment to your rental offerings.

Taxi & transport co

Connect your clients with additional equipment on request. Increase satisfaction and your bottom line.

Ready to work?

Contact us here to learn about partnering with us!